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from darkness to light

“‘About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me.’… ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked.” Acts 22:6 & 10a


It's time to cling to the light


As Saul journeyed to Damascus doing what he thought God wanted him to do, a bright light interrupted his journey. He was stopped dead in his tracks. He was confronted with a light that would reveal a truth to him—a truth he, until this moment, had not known.


How often in life does God try to reveal truth to us? Living a Christian life, walking in the light we know, and all of a sudden we can be confronted by a new light of truth. As we sit and listen to sermons, or spend quiet time in prayer, or open the Word and read, or, as Saul, just walk along life’s road, very unexpectedly God enlightens us with something He wants us to see and understand.


Saul was literally blinded by the light that shone around him, but his desire was to cling to the light that God was shedding into his life, and he asked the question “What shall I do, Lord?”


Saul remained blind for a time as the Lord worked him through the process. God didn’t leave Saul alone in his blindness. He led him step by step until the darkness was lifted, and PAUL stood changed by the new understanding and truth that had been revealed to him.


Sometimes we feel God’s Spirit doing something new in our lives. We might not clearly see, at first, what it is, but if we will ask “What shall I do, Lord?” He will be faithful to work us through the process until we fully understand what He is trying to show us. From that moment on, we will be walking with a newness in who we are in Christ. Just as Saul was converted to Paul, there is a conversion, a change in our character to more closely reflect Christ, in us.


How exciting it is to live a life where at any moment, at any turn in the road, God can shed His light on a truth that we are now ready for. Faithfully walking in the light we have, we now come to a place in our life where God says we’re ready for the next step, which requires a deeper understanding of Who He is and who we can be in Him.


We must embrace those moments whether they are instantaneous or moments like this one in Saul’s life that takes a process of God leading us from blindness to crystal clear vision.


 Reminder: Be willing to walk through the process of a new revelation from God


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