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Loving Reassurance

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: “I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep will be scattered.” But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.’” Mark 14:27-28                                                        

It’s time to see the loving act of reassurance


Picture this… Jesus is standing with the 12 men He has spent the last 3 years with. He’s invested in them. He’s chosen them specifically to carry on when He is gone. He’s counting on them to keep the message going. They are His friends—more like family, really. It’s hours before His death, and He brings them this word: “All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night.”


When it gets down to “crunch time,” when whatever it is, is imminent, we tend to share the important stuff. We say what needs to be said. Jesus needed to tell the disciples something. He needed to give them hope and reassurance. The first part of His statement doesn’t sound very reassuring, does it? But the truth is, the disciples probably already knew that part. They were Jewish men; this was prophecy: “for it is written…”


So here’s a truth they knew, and I believe Jesus knew even if they weren’t thinking about it at that point, they would. When He was gone and they were “scattered,” He knew sorrow would hit them. They would think of the prophecy and how it would then stand fulfilled… they would selfishly abandoned Him when He needed them most. Out of fear for themselves, they would leave. They had been forewarned, and yet they would still leave. What depths of sadness and regret they would feel. But Jesus, with all that He was about to face, saw the need for their reassurance, and in a most unselfish way, He gave it to them. 


He stands before them and tells them something not to discourage and humiliate them, but to reassure them: “But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.” He’s kind of saying, “Don’t worry guys; I know you love me, and I love you. I always will. When this is over, I’ll go to Galilee to meet you. I’ll want to see you! I’ll want you to know it’s all been true! I’ll want you to understand I still want a relationship with you.” Jesus didn’t want the disciples stuck in sorrow. He wanted them to know their abandoning Him wouldn’t destroy the relationship, nor would it stop His love for them. He would go ahead; He would make the way for them to meet with Him and restore the relationship.


This is a specific case. It pertained to a specific group and a specific set of circumstances. But Jesus is Jesus, and He wants all those who love Him to have the same reassurance. The Apostle John (who was one of those 12 men Jesus reassured) wrote these words: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” (1 John 2:1 NIV) John is saying in essence, “Here are some forewarnings so you’ll know what to expect. I’m going to tell you some things to help you live a sin-free life. BUT if you do sin… know that Jesus has gone on ahead to meet you at a place of restoration—He’s just waiting for you to get there.”  


Reminder: I stand reassured that even if I mess up, Jesus is already waiting to restore me.

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