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Are You Certain?

"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, 'How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him:..." I Kings 18:21a

It’s time to take the next step!

When faced with decision, do we find ourselves halted, stopped, faltering... Maybe, just maybe, it's because we aren't CERTAIN of what we believe.


Indecision and uncertainty have been the downfall of many. We live in a world where we’re tossed choices and things to decide on like a trap tosses clay pigeons. If we don’t fire with the certainty that we’re supposed to hit that target, the clay pigeon falls due to our lack of conviction and our inaction.


Likewise, when faced with decisions in life, if we aren't CERTAIN of what we believe, quite often we stand still and do nothing…


James, the brother of Jesus, says in no uncertain terms that if we waver in our faith we are "double-minded" and "unstable in all [our] ways." Our faith is the basis of all our decisions. If we aren't certain of what we believe, every decision we make is based on that instability.


Looking back at the original verse, Elijah was right up front with the people. If you believe that the Lord is God, then pick that path and follow it. If you believe something other than this, pick that path and follow it. BUT DON’T waffle in uncertainty.


Will there be times when it becomes difficult to just hold fast to the certainty of our faith? Absolutely! But here’s a quote from Abraham Kuyper, Prime Minister of the Netherlands back in the early 1900s that might help put it into perspective when that happens: “When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.”

In the Christian’s life, there is no room for compromise, not when it comes to what is truth. Know what you believe, and then live like you know it!


As we head into the holidays, let’s head there with certainty of where we stand: “If the Lord be God, follow him.” 

Reminder: Decisions are made a lot easier when made from a place of certainty

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Maine District Church of the Nazarene

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